The Dawn Chorus / The Retrospective Soundtrack Players - Blogging all over the World

My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


XXI - Portsmouth Drift Bar & XXII - Exposure botb final @ South Parade Pier - 18/05/06

Portsmouth Drift Bar
Thursday 18th May 2006

The AKA Bans
The Dawn Chorus

followed by....

Exposure botb final @ South Parade Pier, Southsea
Thursday 18th May 2006

The Plymouths
The Dawn Chorus
Kid Idiot

As Sean Bateman would say in Rules of Attraction, 'Rock'n'Roll'. Actually, 'Rock 'n' Roll is also the catchphrase of that bristolian Comedian who looks like a lion, Justin something. Irrelevant. So we did 2 gigs in one night, and averaged 0.5 supporters per gig (cheers Clewee). Left for the Drift Bar at about 6, but I got stroppy because I forgot to change my strings after snapping one at the Joiners, and then when I remembered I broke one of the plastic pegs. Then I had to change the strings on the motorway in Neil's car and made myself feel sick. Was considering making myself hurl in the toilets but had a walk in the rain instead which kind of did the trick. The Drift was a bit empty due to The Thursday Thing, the Exposure botb (more of which later), and the new Big Brother. So Rossco went on first and charmed the crowd as usual - but what's a Wonderwall anyway? Just kidding, if I could wail 'Don't let me down' like that i'd be dead chuffed. We did a swift half hour of mostly the more downbeat stuff, and then hot-footed it over to the Pier.

Although there was of course no need to rush since the Pier thing was running a little behind schedule. The place was empty again - we can't really complain as we didn't bring any fans - but as Neil rightly pointed out, the place had the atmosphere of a Goat. Or a Goat's cunt, I don't remember his exact words. As far as dead certs go, Wiservice winning was somewhere up there with Arsenal chucking away the European Cup final, ie more than quite likely. They deserved it though, so well done to the Wiservice.

We seem to keep making stupid fuck-ups recently, why is that? I think we've got a bit over-familiar with the songs and started slacking off a bit. I'm enjoying being on stage more and more as the gigs go by, but I do think an injection of new material will do us good (Same Feeling, The Town and the City, Take the Pain Away, Stay Sober, your time is coming......)

So a re-invigorating night all in all, I hope to be able to do many more 2 gig nights in the future.

Goodnight to my new dead wife,
Goodnight to my Nazi friends

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