The Dawn Chorus / The Retrospective Soundtrack Players - Blogging all over the World

My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.

Friday, March 30, 2007


LIII - Fareham Chicago Rock - 25/03/07

Fareham Chicago Rock(!)
Sunday March 25th 2007

Quite a bizarre experience, very far removed from the usual gigging experience. We had to do our own PA, which Neil enjoyed incredibly. He even started showing his long suffering gf Bassy the ropes. Chicago Rock is covered with pictures of shit 'rock' stars, including Sting, whose smug, shit African-music making, tantric sex enjoying, extremely twattish face was right next to the stage. We sorted this by covering it with King Horse on a mic stand. It was a real family experience with every single DC parent in attendance. How proud they must be. Undoubtedly the highlight of the night, however, was the GUY DANCING ON HIS OWN TO THE IN HOUSE MUSIC AT ABOUT 7PM ON HIS OWN IN LEATHER TROUSERS ON HIS OWN. It was fun playing all of our songs, more or less. It also made me remember why some of them don't get played that often. The following day, Ben (aka the spawn of joe cocker) from the X-factor was playing the very same venue. We didn't go.


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