My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.
Portsmouth Drift Bar
Sunday 29th April 2007
The Dawn Chorus
The Stations
Rich Webb
This was a strange one, in that although the actual gig was fairly empty, we had a bloody good time because everything else about the evening went really well. soundcheck was very smooth and the soundmen were top. the venue sounded really good, as it always seems to. we had fun on southsea common playing bung with a 29p orange, and - when the orange split - cricket with a £6 cricket set. keef was awarded man of the match for his all-round play, although he failed to reach Neil's run total due to poor light. Neil's judgement on my play was that i don't move my feet enough, but i blame the bad light. i know how to defend my wicket. and i don't wear pads.
Rich Webb did a stunningly bizarre array of covers (jurassic 5, ryan adams, chillis, bob marley, the salmon song from road trip(?!)) and beautifully walked the line between madness and genius. the stations were cool as ever but how they get those jeans on and off i will never know. we did a new song and it was fucking good fun. and the ledge Kurt Cooder danced wearing the King Horse mask again, this time to Michael, and that was fucking good fun. However, all this is overshadowed by the fact that STEVE FUCKING LAMACQ PHONED ME TODAY. I spoke on the phone to one of all-time my heroes. I have been listening to Lamacq since I was about 15, and it's safe to say that the band wouldn't even exist if it weren't for me listening to Lammo for years and discovering most of my favourite bands. So i'm very very happy that he likes our music and will be playing one of our songs on his new radio2 show. did i mention i was quite happy?