The Dawn Chorus / The Retrospective Soundtrack Players - Blogging all over the World

My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


LXII - Ilfracombe Landmark Theatre - 06/05/07

Sunday 6th May 2007
Ilfracombe Landmark Theatre (Landmark Beer Festival)

Bad things about the Ilfracombe weekend:

1) We went for a little too long and ran out of things to do for a whole 2 days, perhaps we didn't need to leave at 9am Saturday morning when we weren't playing til 9pm Saturday night!
2) Some very 'local' (think league of gentleman) pubs we visited on the Saturday night.
3) Biblical weather on Saturday night meant that our good friends Aron, Ben and Sally had their tent destroyed.
4) The 10% strength ale ran out too quickly.
5) Cross-dressers walking into our hostel room (actually this was quite funny)
6) 6-hour drive home in Bank Holiday traffic.

Good things about the Ilfracombe weekend:

1) Living purely on fish and chips, cornish pasties and ice cream.
2) Hilarious realisation that our hostel room was actually darker with the light ON, due to the streetlight about 3 inches from the window.
3) Arcade with The Simpsons and Italia '90 arcade games!
4) Ales with ridiculous names which all taste the same.
5) Seeing lots of old friends - it's amazing how many people in the West we know between us.
6) Possibly the nicest soundman ever.
7) Playing a well-recieved 2 hour long set to mostly people we didn't know - including an encore call. Although due to playing literally every song we know, we had to do Rally for the encore - complete with a ludicrous prog into to pad it out a bit! Although signing cds for people was quite a bizarre experience. I still don't have a signature after 23 years.

On the whole, top notch.

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