My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.
4th August 2007
Y-Not Festival, Derbyshire
What a weekend. To start with our trusty van (well my Dad's trusty work van) got vandalised by vandals a few days before we were due to drive to Derby, so we had to go in a couple of cars instead. We left at about 7 on Saturday morning and all was going swimmingly until we got near our destination and realised that our Satnav had taken us to a deserted quarry - last year's festival site. We didn't have a map in the car so we had to have around 10 very stressful phone conversations with Neil - who was already at the festival - to navigate us through the last 2 miles to the new site.
Y-Not was a cool little set-up; gorgeous views, a great little stage and sound, cheap food and drink and a really friendly atmosphere. The only downside was a few too many rubbish bands (any band covering Disco 2000 and the Foos' Learn to Fly in the same set needs to be shot). But we made the day pass with a few games of cricket and frisbee and plenty of Gary Lagers. WAAYYYYY. After all the bands there was a UV disco in the acoustic tent, which basically consisted of shit loads of cheap UV necklaces and accessories, some truly horrendous music being terribly mixed, and lots of pissed up festival goers. It was fun for half an hour or so but it all got a bit much, and me and Neil had to bail out to let the others try to trap some jailbait. Great Days. Somewhere amongst all that we played a set, which went down pretty well.