The Dawn Chorus / The Retrospective Soundtrack Players - Blogging all over the World

My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


The Big Adventure

So our new album 'The Big Adventure' is out in April on Jellymaid Music, it's made up of 12 brand new tracks. We recorded about 15 songs at the Old Blacksmiths Studios in Portsmouth and whittled it down to the best 40 minute album we could put together.

It looks a little bit like this:

1 & 2) The Big Adventure Parts 1 & 2 -

Not based on personal experience.

3) The Hope Will Kill Us
Sometimes I hate how much I think about this band, often I think that it's just setting me up for a bitter middle-age when i'm not doing it any more.

4) Come on Home
The lyrics to this are written from the perspective of someone trying to balance playing in a band with being with their partner. It clearly doesn't come from personal experience as we really don't play all that many shows these days, but I think I wrote it in the the hope that it might become relevant one day.

5) I Can Be Anything
I hate it when people say that you can'r write about things you haven't experienced. I can write anything in a song, the right words to express a certain feeling or emotion might not come from my very un-interesting personal experiences.

6) She's Like an Angel
Just a love song really, with a little bit of criticism of dreary acoustic singer songwriters thrown in for good measure. That may be like shooting fish in a barrel, but hey.

7) River Song
I feel slightly uncomfortable about these lyrics since I never liked them that much but they just stuck. It's about a community of people whose lives depend on the river they live by. Luckily there are some absolutely beautiful strings to take the attention away.

8) Summer of '99
Very slightly based on the death of someone in our year at school, but 95% fabricated. There's a lot of death on the album, but it's almost always expressed through quite joyous songs. I like that contrast.

9) Fractured City
For everyone trying to break into/break out of/make the most of their local music scene.

10) Not Having Fun
I really would like the words 'Anything for an easy life' on my headstone. This sounds a bit like Sigur Ros's 'Hoppipolla' gone pop.

11) Antoinette
We didn't know what to do with this to make it as good in reality as it was in mine and Neil's heads. So we got our friend Steph to sing a female counter vocal and threw a shit load of strings and horns at it. And i think we just about got away with it.

12) A Blast from the Present
I nicked a few lines from 60s one-hit-wonders The Casuals and nicked the title from a brilliant songwriter called Steve Splendid. This was called 'The Mexican' for months. A nice way to end the album.


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