The Dawn Chorus / The Retrospective Soundtrack Players - Blogging all over the World

My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


XCVI - The Slaughtered Lamb, Farringdon - 26/06/08

The Slaughtered Lamb, Farringdon
Thursday 26th June 2008

The Dawn Chorus (acoustic)
Emit Bloch

thoughts since the show:

...not the worst show ever but certainly not the best, don't like acoustic gigs, too many people chatting, maybe that's our fault for not being well rehearsed enough, botched up the start of Big Adventure pt. 2, but how many people were listening?, sweets on the tables, someone dressed as a lion, someone dressed as a gypsy (i think), a slide show, apple mac dj who seemed to be surprised by his own song selections, bordering-on-suicidally-depressed soundman, japanese beer on tap, nice, what's wrinkly and hangs out grandad's pants? grandma, emit bloch - interesting man, read a poem about his grandad on stage, "that's the way to my cabin home", "you p-p-probabubbly want somebody new", stopped a song midway through to tell us that he was wearing sunglasses, had to wear ben's spare work trousers for the show since i forgot mine and i refuse to play in shorts, left just before midnight, tom tom battery ran out in hackney, got lost in shoreditch, no amount of singing "lost in shoreditch" to the tune of 'we're lost in music' could seem to sort the situation, got into bed at half three, up for work at half six, not the greatest show ever, but probably just about worth doing, etc...

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