Liverpool Tabac
Sunday 5th April 2009
The B of the Bang
The Dawn Chorus
Kyle Rage
The Good Intentions
+ at least 2 more
A bit of explanation needed in advance here, we were initially due to go to Dundee on this day, but the show got pulled at less than a week's notice. Luckily Wit managed to rustle us up this acoustic show.
Earlier in the day we woke in Bristol and me and Wit initially decided that Elbow's 'Starlings' was going to be the theme tune for Nelly's debut performance as Lonesome George in 'Lonesome George the Musical'. We eventually managed to round up all the troops, including picking up Keef from fucking frenchay AGAIN, and went to Ikea for Breakfast/Lunch which was nice, though afterwards myself and Wit got lost in the Ikea maze.
I drove Fred Galaxy for the first time, which was interesting, and we eventually made it to Liverpool after endless banter, including Matt promising to play my face like a cahont (sp?). We realised once in Liverpool that we really needed to practice an acoustic set so we bundled into one of our travelodge rooms to do just that.
Arriving at the venue was quite funny - it was essentially a small wine bar and we turned up with about 20 guitar cases and other such nonsense. We quickly returned for the van to store all ou stuff in, though I got a bit over excited and destroyed Julian's side door handle :( After dinner in the chav courtyard of hell (Yates', Wetherspoon's, Lloyds Bar, Walkabout all within literal spitting distance of eachother) we returned to the venue where we realised that there were a ridiculous amount of bands on the bill. And the promoter thought that we were one band, not two. We decided to get stuck into some cocktails; 'Tabac' was very nice, 'Sea Breeze' tasted like Beef. Lots of people played, including the promoter who had a song called '173' - in which claimed to be 173 - which has plagued me ever since. By the time we played we were on the way to being merry and only had time for 2 songs; Fractured City and Relatively Young & Quite in Love (first ever outing). The B of the Bang also played 2 songs, finishing with Last Night on Earth and a mass singalong, or as 'mass' as you can get when there are more band members in the venue than punters.
After this we went to a club called Bumper which was
a) incredibly cheap - £2 for a beer and a shot! and...
b) incredibly full for a Sunday
It was in Bumper that the greatest thing I have ever witnessed in my life happened. There was one of those twats who goes to clubs to breakdance there, and he actually challenged Neil to a dance-off. Neil, who has the rhythm of a tramp with discombobulated fingers. So the circle opened up and this guy spins on his shoulders, does a backflip, does the worm and a few other moves before returning victoriously to his mates. Neil then pulls out a full-on cossack dance, complete with raised arms, and kept it going for about half a minute. My ribs have not ached so much for a long, long time.
We eventually left Bumper and walked back to the travelodge, though not before Elliott Gregg had time to steal a wooden chair which he fell asleep clutching.