The Dawn Chorus / The Retrospective Soundtrack Players - Blogging all over the World

My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


CLIX - Cambridge The Globe - 03/04/10

Saturday 3rd April 2010
Cambridge The Globe

The Dawn Chorus
The Beneski Murder (?)
The B of the Bang

Woke with sleepy heads and drove straight to Cambridge, sans-Breakfast. Having a left-hand drive car allowed us to embarass Pauly B when we drove through a toll by puttinf on Westlife at deafening volume. Why was Westlife playing? Beacuse Simps made the worst compilation cd in the world, ever. Although he made the mistake of putting MmmBop on it, which is awesome.

Got to the venue in Cambridge in time to watch the ManUtd vs Chelsea match but commentary was in Italian, so we left the Globe and got an over-priced Panini in a bar with English commentary. We then got on the usual Cambridge trail of FOPP (many copies of Midlake's last album purchased at £3 a piece), followed by a few games of Bum on Parker's Piece, followed by tasty Mexican food in Nanna Mexico.

Soundcheck took aaages but did involve setting up the full PA. TBOTB were ace and really got into their stride. The next band were interrupted by a huge influx of chavs who threatened to scupper proceedings with their pissed antics (probably celebrating Cambridge's Boat Race victory) but luckily they left before we played. We had a belter, if i do say so myself. After the show we drove to Elliott Gregg's home town of Codicote and had a lock-in at his local The Goat, ensuring a few heavy heads when all eleven of us awoke at the house of Gregg the following morning....

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