My name is Kyle. I am a happily failing indie/punk/folk/country/rock musician from Hampshire, UK. I have been singing and songwriting in The Dawn Chorus since 2005, and The Retrospective Soundtrack Players since 2010. I love these two bands like my brother/wife rolled into one. This blog details the shows I have played with both bands, in chronological order.
Monday 5th April 2010
Liverpool Leaf Tea Bar
Super Cannes
The Dawn Chorus
The B of the Bang
Nick Glover (The Seal Cub Clubbing Club)
Lovely lay-in was followed by a trek into Liverpool - a city I really like - with my roomies BenC, Matt and Keef to look for Breakfast. We were just too late at good old 'spoons, though Ben did manage to tramp a piece of uneaten toast from a deserted table while we were in there. This was only a sign of the depravity that lay in store for Ben in Liverpool though...
We went to a Yates' for a fairly grim but nonetheless very welcome full English, followed by a good look around Liverpool. I was thinking of joining Elliott, Paul and BenC in visiting the Beatles museum, but I took too long emptying my bowels in the world's busiest McDonald's and missed them.

This was probably the longest ever soundcheck we've been involved in, it was truly gruelling. Lots and lots of sitting and waiting. The Leaf was a great little place and luckily they served monstrous cappuccinos which kept me amused for a while, but I still needed to take a good few walks around the block.
This was probably the emptiest gig of the tour - Easter Monday was always going to be a struggle - but still enjoyable. Today Paul played 'Blast' from on top of Ben Ox's shoulders. I don't think he'd pre-warned The Ox, but his shoulders comfortably accomodated little B.
After the gig we made our way to the megabunny funtime tour's favourite club - Bumper. It was dead when we got there, but 20 DC, BOTB and Revere bodies soon filled thing up a bit. I left early as I wasn't feeling particularly in the mood, so you will have to decide whether or not to believe that the following happened....
elliott gregg took lots of stick for being bald... dave was stalked... stephen revere was a drunken legend... ben c got his bum out in bumper and the kebab shop... elliott gregg got lost in liverpool... dave got lost in liverpool... ben ox and jack entered a crack den looking for elliott gregg... ben c attempted to sleep on the pavement outside the kebab shop... a dc member was very sick in his bed (which he was sharing at the time)... elliott gregg arrived at the hotel at 5 and wouldn't go to sleep... i considered, i considered, a move to memphis, a move to memphis...